Alternative Treatments

Safe and Sound Protocol

Developed by world-renowned researcher, Dr. Stephen Porges, Polyvagal Theory is the “science of feeling safe,”  and focuses on what is happening in the body and the nervous system. It explains how our sense of safety, danger, and/or life-threat can impact our behavior. Understanding Polyvagal Theory gives us a scientific framework that can be applied through physiological, or “bottom-up” therapies, to help change and improve how we feel, think and connect with others.

The mind and body are connected through the vagus nerve, which helps control the autonomic (automatic) nervous system, and helps to regulate many critical body functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, sweating, digestion, swallowing and speaking. As the body takes in sensory information, the vagus nerve processes the signals and determines how we react through three physiological states (“fight, flight, or freeze”). If the sensory and emotional foundation is not fully developed or if there has been trauma, emotional regulation is more difficult. This will impact higher brain functions such as learning, communication and focus. 

The Safe and Sound Protocol (SSP),  is a non-invasive, evidenced based application of Polyvagal Theory, used to treat those facing challenges in emotional control, behavioral organization, social engagement, hearing sensitivity, and auditory processing and listening through filtered music. As a practical application of Polyvagal Theory, the SSP acts as a non-invasive, acoustic vagal nerve stimulator, helping to re-tune the nervous system to better support connection, collaboration and resilience. The SSP involves listening to specially filtered music through headphones alongside a provider, in-person or remotely. Suitable for children and adults, the SSP has demonstrated benefits for individuals with trauma, anxiety, sensory processing differences and more.

The SSP has shown some improvements in children with the following diagnoses (not limited to)

social, emotional and attachment disorder, auditory hypersensitivity, body organization, nervous system dysregulation, learning, cognition and attention difficulty, sensory processing differences, stress-related physical conditions, PANS/PANDAS, trauma, ADHD, TBI/brain stem injury, mild cognitive slowing, memory deficits, anxiety, sleep difficulties, stroke, autism, PTSD, misphonia, OCD


Forbrain© is device with established scientific validation for enhancing various cognitive functions and outcomes. These include improvements in voice quality, sound differentiation, fluency, overall cognitive performance, and reading proficiency. Conceived by the creators of the Tomatis® Method, Forbrain© employs the power of speech to retrain the brain's processing of sensory information, leading to more efficient cognitive processing.

 Upon initiating speech, the device employs a dynamic filter to modify the sound of your voice. This groundbreaking technology assesses and refines the voice, amplifying specific frequencies and rhythm. Through bone conduction via the temporal bones, the headphones promptly transmit these modified sounds back to you, thus reprogramming the brain's auditory feedback loop.


The process of hearing begins with the reception of sound waves by your external ears, located on both sides of your head. These waves then travel through the air to reach the middle ear, a step known as air conduction. Within the middle ear, they continue through the ossicles, a trio of minuscule bones responsible for transmitting sound vibrations to the inner ear.

Within the inner ear, the cochlea vestibule nerve transforms the sound into electrical impulses, which are then relayed along the auditory nerve to the brain. This is where the information is processed to help you navigate and interact with the world around you.


Bone conduction offers an alternative method for processing sound. It may come as a surprise to many that a significant portion of our perception of our own voice occurs through the cranial bones. To experience this phenomenon firsthand, try blocking your ears and speaking aloud. You'll find that you can still hear your voice because the vibration of the bones in your skull directly transmits sound to the inner ear. Its primary function is to relay this auditory information along the auditory nerve as signals to the brain. This direct transmission of sound is not only faster than air conduction, being approximately ten times swifter, but also bypasses the external and middle ear.

Given that sound transmitted through air conduction can be susceptible to disruption from background noise or potential issues with one's air conduction, Forbrain© places emphasis on utilizing bone conduction. This approach is considered the most pertinent way to perceive one's own voice. 

Enhancing your auditory feedback loop is attainable for anyone, regardless of whether you aim to enhance overall learning abilities or address disruptions in the loop caused by cognitive or emotional challenges. Forbrain© specializes in refining this auditory process and reshaping the brain to yield substantial improvements in:

- Speech and interpersonal communication

- Concentration and attentiveness

- Retention and recall

- Learning capacity

- Alongside various other cognitive functions.


Exploring Sensate: A Revolution in Mindful Living

In a fast-paced world where stress and sensory overload are all too common, finding moments of calm and connection is increasingly crucial. Sensate, an innovative wellness device, offers a path to tranquility and enhanced well-being. This article delves into the world of Sensate, shedding light on its benefits and how it is reshaping the landscape of mindfulness.

The Essence of Sensate

Sensate is a cutting-edge wellness device designed to promote relaxation and mindfulness. Its foundation lies in the principles of biofeedback therapy, a technique that helps individuals gain greater control over their physiological responses. Through gentle vibrations and soothing soundscapes, Sensate guides users towards a state of profound calmness and mental clarity.

How Sensate Works

Biofeedback Technology:

Sensate employs biofeedback technology to enhance mindfulness. By monitoring subtle changes in heart rate variability (HRV), it provides real-time feedback to help users regulate their autonomic nervous system, fostering a sense of calm and balance.

Vibration Therapy:

The device delivers gentle vibrations, synchronized with a calming audio experience. These vibrations stimulate the vagus nerve, a key player in the body's relaxation response, creating a deeply relaxing effect.

Soundscapes for Serenity:

 Sensate complements its vibration therapy with carefully curated soundscapes. These immersive audio experiences range from nature sounds to harmonious melodies, further enhancing the relaxation journey.

The Benefits of Sensate

Stress Reduction:

 Sensate's unique combination of vibration therapy and soothing sounds helps alleviate stress by promoting a state of deep relaxation. This can lead to reduced levels of anxiety and tension.

Improved Sleep Quality:

Regular use of Sensate has been associated with improved sleep patterns. By inducing a state of relaxation, it can help users achieve more restful and rejuvenating sleep.

Enhanced Mindfulness:

Sensate serves as a valuable tool for cultivating mindfulness. It encourages individuals to be present in the moment, fostering a deeper connection with their inner selves and the world around them.

Elevated Mood:

The calming effects of Sensate can positively influence mood and emotional well-being. By promoting relaxation, it can help users experience a greater sense of contentment and joy.

Sensate represents a remarkable fusion of technology and mindfulness, offering a holistic approach to well-being in today's fast-paced world. By harnessing the power of biofeedback therapy and gentle vibrations, it empowers individuals to find moments of tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday life. As a tool for stress reduction, improved sleep, and heightened mindfulness, Sensate stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking a more balanced and centered existence. Embracing Sensate is an investment in one's mental and emotional well-being, paving the way for a more mindful and fulfilled life.

Vitality Smartcable®

The Vitality SmartCable® is a groundbreaking device that utilizes advanced smartphone technology to increase your health by stimulating your mind.

Embark on a transformative journey that aims to stimulate your mind and cultivate a healthier body. Through this process, you'll experience the benefits of clearer thinking and a more resilient mind. Witness a surge in your energy levels, enabling you to tackle each day with vigor and vitality. This holistic approach will not only enhance your physical well-being but also contribute to improved total body health. Embrace this opportunity to unlock your full potential and thrive in both mind and body.

How It Works

·      The Vitality Smartcable® plugs into your mobile phone.  It works on both iOS and Android

·      Simple and easy to use app

·      The app interface controls the voltage settings and timer

·      Clip attaches to either ear for five minutes of electoral stimulation per day

·      Used for five minutes per day on either ear